Monday, January 24, 2011

clean up time

as i was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair during my second and unnecessary shower of the day, i started thinking about all the different types of showers i take. no two showers are alike in my life, but i feel like i could categorize them together into a few groups...i bet you'll know exactly what i'm talking about.

here's three types that i tend to always take:

the shower i took last night.....
bored and sleepy but not tired enough to go to bed, and you've got no one to hang out with, so you shower for the hell of it. most commonly associated with "stoned showers". yes, stoned as in high. judge me, go ahead. something about hot water in that state of mind is just numbing. you realize after twenty minutes of being in the shower that you haven't even shaved yet and it just took you six minutes instead of under one to rinse the conditioner completely from your hair, but you still let the water massage your scalp for another four minutes anyways, and then finally get out.

nights on the prowl showers, the ones you take typically every thursday, friday and saturday nights every semester spent at college, before a date, and before a big event like a wedding, job interview or the first time you'll be seeing your ex in two years and you wanna make him jealous.
these showers get you the cleanest, make you smell the best and leave you glowing, but they take forever. but think about all the things you could possibly, and often do do in the shower. my nights on the prowl showers involve a deep shampoo and a hair maske, body wash, shave both legs ankle to thigh, my lady parts and underarms, exfoliate legs and arms, wash face, rinse my hair maske and then finally get out. lemme tell ya, all that takes a lifetime.


the shower i had to take this morning, at 9:35 when I had to be at work for 10, all because i fell asleep with wet hair after my "stoned shower" last night, and it was matted to one side and absolutely awful. you wet your head and run a loofah over your body and you're out in 2 and a half minutes. not even long enough to fog the mirror.

I'm realizing that I probably sound like the biggest water waster in the world, but I'm only making up for the military style showers I took growing up; my parents were water conserving Nazis.
my mom thinks she's saving the world and is personally driving the go green bandwagon. she put a max temperature on the hot water heater and installed some contraption that shuts the water off after seven consecutive minutes. i bitched every time i took a shower for a few months, and of course eventually got my way, but I still had my Dad to deal with.
my dad is just cheap. he thinks that the extra five minutes I spend shaving will cost him an arm and a leg. so he'll pound on the door and tell me to get out after eight minutes, but he can water his precious lawn every day for an hour. if i had a gallon of water for every time my dad contradicts himself, I'd probably fill an in ground pool.
I should really try harder to conserve water though. but hey, I always recycle and turn off my light!

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